10 Keys To Success
1. Ask her to be your Valentine
You are never to old to ask, even if you are married.
2. Do not contact your ex
Do not drunk text your ex. You will regret Monday morning.
3. Do not wait until last minute
Plan ahead. Waiting last minute will leave you with no options.
4. Do not break up on Valentine's Day
Trust me, you will be the most hated person in the world.
5. Think outside the box
Do something honest, funny, and heartfelt.
6. Try something beside roses
Lilies, tulips, carnations, or even orchids.
7. Romance, romance, and more romance
This day is not about watching the game. It's about love.
8. Spend the day with friends
Single, do not have to spend it alone. Be around the ones you love.
9. Splurge on yourself
Buy yourself a gift, that way you won't have to return it.
10. Follow my tips
If you follow my directions, I will have you shooting 100% from the field. Join the journey.